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Confidence and communication skills -The vital link for a child 

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Good conversation and public speaking skills are vital for young children. Shy and withdrawn children begin to improve their academic performance once they gain confidence on stage. The effect on self-belief is so powerful that it alters their overall performance and attitude. One of the best examples is Gulzar, a young girl who walked into our speaking workshop one evening. She appeared depressed and unsure of herself. Her chubbiness had made her the brunt of cruel jokes her entire school life. She'd been in and out of hospitals, being treated for depression on a regular basis. Her father hoped that our "speaking club" would boost her self-esteem.


She was asked to introduce herself on her first day at the workshop. She stood up, said a few words, and then sobbed uncontrollably. However, the positive encouragement she received from the other participants gradually increased her self-esteem. She gave her first speech with the help of her mentor and received a standing ovation. She had broken down both the public speaking and personal barriers.


Gulzar is now a confident speaker who has received numerous accolades and trophies for her speaking abilities. Her confidence has led her to the position of District Editor for Toastmaster Magazine in the United States. I'm pleased to report that she reviewed my book on public speaking and provided valuable feedback. Her life has drastically changed, and her parents are relieved and overjoyed. Gulzar is a firm believer in public speaking and cannot imagine her life without it.


Children as young as five years old learn public speaking and storytelling at our Young Legends Academy. What we've seen is nothing short of miraculous. A young girl with a stammering problem has almost completely eliminated this impediment. Eleven-year-old Parvath leads a body language education session. Shivanshi and Prajwal, siblings, hosted a two-hour graduation ceremony attended by more than 100 people. Dwitika, an eleven-year-old girl, responds with poise and grace to any question on the spot.


We have hundreds of such testimonials, which inspire us to help children learn this essential skill as early as possible. Our social media platforms are flooded with videos and testimonials of these extraordinary children performing like professional speakers. The best schools in the country, such as Vidyaniketan and Vidyashilp, organize debates, panel discussions, and events such as the "Big Fight" to boost students' self-esteem and prepare them for the global arena.


These educational institutions recognize the importance of teaching their students the "art of public speaking" in order to give them a leg up in life. Children who participate in debates, elocution, theatre, and speech competitions gain confidence and an advantage over their peers. This acquired confidence has an immense influence on their personalities, which carries over into their adult lives. Many adults who were never exposed to the stage find it a significant impediment in their career path and it frequently becomes a stumbling block in their professional lives.


It is, however, never too late to learn. As the Chinese say, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now." So, the best time is to act now. Join a public speaking course or a speaking club to sharpen your communication skills and see your confidence and career prospects soar.​

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